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The Most Common Scope Gaps

What are the most common scope gaps when building a swimming pool?

At Aqua Platinum we often get asked what are the most common scope gaps that get missed on a project that potentially result in variations to contracts or delays to the overall build project programme.

These are the most common items identified from Aqua Platinum’s experience throughout multiple build projects that have resulted in variations or delays to the programme:

M&E Delineations

1. Heating –

a. the typical scope for heating would require the M&E team to bring LTHW supplies to the plant room, and to connect them onto the relevant unit so that the unit itself can work as the demarcation point. Aqua Platinum will specify, supply and install the unit and its secondary connections. We will also advise the requirements of the primary system based on the informed parameters.

b. Aqua Platinum will advise a control system for the heating by way of a simple 3-port diverter valve, temperature set points and a constant primary flow. Ultimately however, it will be up to the M&E team to supply and install this valve for AP to control, or to provide an alternative solution for consideration.

2. Water supply –

a. the pool filtration system will require a top-up supply of unsoftened mains water, with a category 5 boosted tank, at a rate of no less than 20L/min @ 2bar. This supply will be terminated by a lever valve within 1.0m of the equipment

b. the plant room will require a bib tap, and in some cases an emergency drench shower. Not only are the water supplies for these required by others, but the items themselves should also be supplied and installed by others.

3. Ventilation –

a. The plant room and / or any plant spaces will need to be appropriately ventilated, by others. This can include general ventilation of these spaces (typically 4-6ACH) and dedicated ventilation (e.g. for chemical stores, min 10ACH to atmosphere, for each store).

b. The pool hall ventilation system will require two ducts to atmosphere and these will usually be routed to the plant room by others. Aqua Platinum will advise the size required for these ducts and their louvers, but expect the plant room to act as the demarcation of works to allow us to keep to a more localised area of works within the project development.

c. It needs to be advised by others to Aqua Platinum where any additional needs are required for the system, e.g. any fire rated ducting, fire dampers, special coating to duct work, attenuation etc.

4. Drainage –

a. Aqua Platinum will not be responsible for the supply or installation of any drainage within a project. All drainage requirements will be advised to the client team to be captured. As a minimum, Aqua Platinum should be provided with a dedicated backwash stack, general foul gulleys and a clear connection for pool overflow.

b. Pool surround drainage is to be captured within the design scope for others. It is only by special request that Aqua Platinum may consider installing this on behalf of others.

5. Electrical –

a. Aqua Platinum will require rotary isolators in the plant room for each system we install. This will be one per filtration, ventilation and/or thermal experience system. We will complete all wiring from the isolators to our control panels and equipment as required. AP will advise the kW requirement for each system for others to capture.

b. It needs to be advised by others to Aqua Platinum where any BMS or control system (e.g. lighting) interfaces are required, so that this can be allowed for within our specifications and bespoke control panel.

Construction Responsibilities

6. Waterproofing –

a. Aqua Platinum will only be responsible for the waterproofing of the pool; keeping water within the structure.

b. Should the development be internal, the pool hall waterproofing strategy is to be developed by others; including the interface between the surround and the pool tanking.

c. The flooring within any thermal experiences should be designed and installed by others, including waterproofing as appropriate.

d. Should the development be external, it is essential that a dewatering system be considered and developed by others to remove ground water.

7. Finishes –

a. Supply and installation of coping tiles (including grout under the coping tile post installation) to be completed by others. Note, ideally these would be available before the pool is tiled so these can be dry lined to allow for accurate working levels and therefore the best possible finish achieved.

b. Any feature tiling within the pool or feature walls within the pool hall (adjacent to the pool) should be clearly defined and conveyed to Aqua Platinum for full review. We will need to understand weights, fixings and styles to ensure coordination of installation and to consider any effects on future maintenance.

c. There should be a developed finishes schedule provided by others to Aqua Platinum to include any bespoke finishes required, including coating to any handrails etc. The finishes are to be decided by others but provided by Aqua Platinum.

8. Access –

a. An access strategy will need to be established by others with Aqua Platinum for each stage of the build process, to ensure safe and manageable delivery of items and working throughout the project.

b. Servicing routes are to be assessed by others to ensure an acceptable strategy is implemented for engineers to replace chemicals etc. This would typically be a back of house route to avoid any potential damages or dirtying through the public areas.

Throughout the tender phase Aqua Platinum would recommend co-ordination meetings are held with the key teams undertaking the build of the pool project to ensure all parties are aware of the scope of works and tendering correct package.

Aqua Platinum need to resolve these items prior to being appointed on a project to ensure we build to an achievable programme avoiding unnecessary paperwork or stress for all parties involved.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact the team at Aqua Platinum and please note the above are just a number of areas identified and not an inclusive list.

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